Hey, there!
There is a website change in the urls here. This mostly matters if you have my site bookmarked or publishing in a feed. You will want to make an edit wherever you have bookmarked my website urls. Now larissamarks.com is the "house" for all of my projects and sites. You can go there to find links to my Spiritual Journey ministry, The Larissa Monologues, etc. I made this change because with all of my ever-evolving projects, I wanted to streamline them into one main site under my name.
Please bear with me as I try to work out website forwarding issues. I majored in THEATRE for crying out loud. If all this is way too technical for you, just ignore this announcement. Back to your regularly scheduled programming. Share:
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WELCOMEHi, I'm Larissa. I am an artist and spiritual director on the island of O'ahu in Hawai'i.
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March 2024