I wrote Manifesto of the Beloved as much as for you as for myself. I need constant reminders of my identity as God's beloved child. This past week for our family has felt very much like one of those stormy seasons, when things are hazy and chaotic. I confess that my heart has been pulled toward anxiety and fear. Is God truly with us? Does he see and care about us? But I also KNOW. Deep down, below the fear, I know who I am and how God sees me. I am the beloved. He is my ever-present Father. So I wrote the Manifesto to claim and hold these truths in my heart. And I share it because I believe YOU are also a beloved child. I invite you to claim your chosenness with me, and rebel against the voices of "not enough." Manifesto of the BelovedTo the hurts, the offenses, the rejections, The whispers that call me worthless and unlovable and not enough, I declare you are not the truth of my identity. I will let these voices move to the background, I will listen to that small soft voice whispering to me. It is the voice calling me and naming me. The voice says the truth. “You are my beloved child. I am well-pleased with you.” It is the one voice that matters. I am the chosen. I am the cherished. I believe I am the beloved, Even when it doesn't feel true. I choose it and hold it tightly in my heart. I don’t have to search and wander, Anxious and restless. I rest in the sacred presence, Where I am finally and eternally home. Because I am chosen, I am free. I am free from jealousy, Free from competition, free from striving. I embrace others with compassion, And reveal to others their same chosenness. I am learning to embrace my belovedness, Living with inner joy and peace, Claiming it as my truest identity. I am being the beloved. I am becoming the beloved. I am living as the beloved. Print your own PDF version: Manifesto of the Beloved. Share:
6/16/2016 02:25:50 pm
This is so beautiful. We must learn to speak God's truth to ourselves and not listen to the lies. Comments are closed.
WELCOMEHi, I'm Larissa. I am an artist and spiritual director on the island of O'ahu in Hawai'i.
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March 2024